Our Link Missionaries
Supporting our mission partners is important at CAC.
It is our privilege to participate in and support mission work both in Australia and overseas.
Here are some of our partners:
Graham & Sue Schabel
Global Recordings Network, Sydney
Graham works as a electronics technician and computer support engineer at Global Recordings Network (GRN) in Sydney. His role is to support both field and office personnel with technical equipment used in the recording and editing of the gospel messages. He also plays a part in distributing the recordings. Graham has been serving with GRN since July 2008.
Since 1939, Global Recordings Network has been developing the Gospel in audio and audio-visual formats for distribution to oral speaking people groups around the world. They have produced recordings in around 6,000 languages. Many of these are the least reached language groups in the world.
Audio visual materials are a particularly powerful evangelism medium as they communicate the gospel in story format suitable for oral learners. Recordings can be downloaded for free from the GRN website (www.globalrecordings.net).
Website and donations: https://globalrecordings.net/en/support-au/gschabel

Mitch Albert & Mike Eastman
Pennant Hills and Cherrybrook Christian Education Association
As a church we strongly believe in supporting Christian education at our local high schools. The Pennant Hills and Cherrybrook Christian Education Association (PHCCEA) provides Special Religion Education (SRE) at both Pennant Hills and Cherrybrook Technology High Schools. (www.phccea.org.au). CAC provides both financial and prayer support to the PHCCEA.
Mitch serves at the SRE teacher at Pennant Hills High School, while Mike is the SRE teacher at Cherrybrook Technology High School.

Rob & El Falls
Australian Presbyterian World Mission - Vanuatu
Rob and El Falls are serving at the Talua Theological Training Institute in Vanuatu. Rob teaches and has developed a new missionary training program. El is a midwife, home schools their older children as well as teaching bible study skills and youth ministry in the women’s program.
Website https://www.fallsvanuatu.info/.
Subscribe to their prayer letter: https://www.fallsvanuatu.info/pray

Dave & Beck McIntyre
CMS Japan
Dave and Beck, along with their family, are serving in pastoral ministry for CMS at Crossroads Church in Nishinomiya, Japan.
Facebook page:
CMS website: